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Table 1 Working definitions of intermediaries of Ethiopian women’s migration into domestic work abroad

From: Accidental traffickers: qualitative findings on labour recruitment in Ethiopia




General term for any person engaged in assisting women migrating from Ethiopia to countries of the Middle East for domestic labour. Sometimes specified as either a formal facilitator or informal facilitator, which are terms corresponding to recruiter and broker, respectively. Facilitators usually have other forms of employment and do not rely on migration as their main source of income.


A person for whom arranging migration is the main form of employment, and who works alone or as part of an agency, and is responsible for the final stage of migration, i.e. departure from Ethiopia and placement with an employer abroad. Community members often use this term to suggest they believe the recruiter has a formal or legal role (i.e. is registered), although they usually have no way to verify this.


Someone who is considered an intermediary between potential migrants and other facilitators or recruiters. The term is most frequently used to refer to individuals operating at the local level who do not have contacts abroad or any form of registration. Their role is to find and refer women to others who take responsibility for migration logistics, although the broker may assist with some early preparations.