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Box 1 Design aspects of a partnership

From: Towards effective and sustainable global academic partnerships through a maturity model informed by the capability approach

• Beginning of the relationship

Deliberate effort to learn about the culture of partner institutions and countries (Understanding context)

Capacity/resource and needs mapping

Understand power dynamics, which are not always stable

Setting strategic direction for the relationship

Shared inception and agenda

• Framework of relationship

Transparency regarding allocation of resources

Joint leadership and agreement on coordination

Results-based, anchored in values

Formal institutional agreements

Assess equity over time, including in publications

• Maintaining relationship

Regular/planned communications (at least monthly scheduled implementation level exchanges) with feedback


Facilitation of mobility

Visiting appointments

Celebration of achievements and accountability

• Forward looking

Begin from the outset

Focus on both the now and the future (forward looking relationships are more productive in the now and more sustainable)

Review institutional relationship framework and adjust accordingly

Consider longer-term joint institutional relationship with joint ownership

Work on next generation relationships