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Table 1 Shiffman’s Framework for analyzing Political Priority

From: Building on momentum from the global campaigns: an exploration of factors that influenced prioritization of stillbirth prevention at the national level in Uganda




Transnational influence

Norm promotion

Efforts by international agencies and actors to establish global norms

Resource provision

Provision of financial and technical support from international agencies to address the problem.

Domestic advocacy

Policy Community cohesion

The degree to which national-level promoters coalesced as a political force to push the government to act.

Political entrepreneurship

The presence of respectable and capable national champions willing to promote the cause.

Credible indicators

The availability and strategic deployment of evidence to demonstrate the presence of the problem.

Focusing events

The organization of forums to generate national attention to the cause.

Clear policy alternatives

The availability of a clear policy alternative to demonstrate to political leaders that the problem is surmountable.

National Political environment

Political transition

Political changes that positively or adversely that affects prospects for promotion

Competing health priorities

Priority for other health causes that divert policymakers’ attention away from the problem