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Table 1 Characteristics of existing guidance documents on evidence-based policymaking

From: Promoting the use of evidence in health policymaking in the ECOWAS region: the development and contextualization of an evidence-based policymaking guidance

Author [Reference]

Year of publication


Target users

Main focus of Guidance

Blanchet et al. [18]


Using Research Evidence in the Humanitarian Sector: A practice guide

Policymakers, practitioners

(i). What evidence informed decision-making is, (ii). developing and implementing a new intervention, (iii). creating a theory of change, (iv). different types of research methods, designs and approaches, and how to judge the quality of research.

Ministry of Health, Malawi [19]


Guidelines for Evidence Use in Decision-Making in the Health Sector


(i). Foundation of Public Policy-Making, (ii). theory in public policy-making, (iii). key stages of the public policy-making process and evidence use, (iii). characteristics of good public policy-making, (iv). facilitators and barriers to evidence use in policy-making,

Wills et al. [20]


Guidelines and good practices for evidence-informed policy-making in a government department


(i). Using a broad definition of ‘robust evidence’, (ii). linking evidence needs to policy priorities, (iii). linking an evidence-informed approach with business planning, budgeting and reporting, (iv). ensuring evidence processes are inclusive and participatory

Breckon et al. [21]


Using Research

Evidence: A Practice


Decision-makers in government, voluntary organizations

(i). The four elements of evidence-based management (ii). reasons for needing evidence and creating a theory of change, (iii). how to judge the quality of research and where to look for evidence (iv). how to communicate findings

Ministry of Health, Kenya [22].


Guidelines for evidence use in policy-making


(i). Context of public policy-making, (ii). key stages of the policy-making process and evidence use, (iii). facilitators and barriers to evidence use in policy-making, (iv). health policy development process, accessing evidence for policy-making

The Council of State Governments [23]


State Policy Guide:

Using Research in Public Health Policymaking

Policymakers, legislators

(i). Legislators use of research evidence in public health policymaking (ii). understanding public health research: key facts and terms (iii). how researchers measure success of policies and programs? (viii). using research results in policymaking, and drafting public health legislation