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Table 3 Health programming initiatives in Mexico and India

From: Workplace wellness programming in low-and middle-income countries: a qualitative study of corporate key informants in Mexico and India

Health Area/Topic Focus



Tobacco Control/Cessation

50% of respondents indicated their workplaces were smoke free

70% of respondents indicated their workplaces were smoke free although they reported significant compliance challenges.

Physical Activity

80% of corporations indicated some type of physical activity program within the workplace.

70% of corporations indicated some type of physical activity program within the workplace including exercise facilities or classes offered at the worksite.


50% of corporations surveyed stated there was a nutritionist onsite who designed healthy meals for the cafeteria.

50% of corporations surveyed identified wellness programming related to nutrition and healthy diet.

Disease Detection and Management

70% of corporations indicated a vaccination campaign

50% corporations indicated NCD prevention efforts and diagnostic screenings

Only 20% of corporations indicated vaccination campaigns or programs.

80% of corporations indicated diagnostic screenings for NCDs usually through annual checkups.