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Table 4 Summary of the five most common themed responses to Kirkpatrick level 2, 3 and 4 questions

From: Interval follow up of a 4-day pilot program to implement the WHO surgical safety checklist at a Congolese hospital

1. What were the most important things you learnt from the surgical safety checklist training? (Kirkpatrick level 2)

• Introducing ourselves

• Checking identity of patient and surgery planned

• Counting

• Teamwork and sharing knowledge

• Using the pulse oximeter

2. Have you made any changes in your personal practice since the training? (Kirkpatrick level 3)

• Counting

• Checking identity of patient and surgery planned

• Introducing ourselves

• Giving antibiotics pre-skin incision instead of afterwards

• Welcoming the patient and reassuring them

3. Have you noticed any changes in your hospital since the training? (Kirkpatrick level 4)

• We now accompany the patient from the ward to the operating room

• Introducing ourselves in front of the patient which calms them down and reassures them

• Demanding that visiting surgeons introduce themselves

• Giving antibiotics before skin incision instead of at the end of the surgery

• Counting