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Table 2 Institutional approach to gender within each GPPPH (Includes: definition of gender, presence of gender strategy, gender breakdown on governing board, gender disaggregated reporting)

From: Gender blind? An analysis of global public-private partnerships for health

Global Health Public Private Partnership

Gender strategy present?

How is gender defined or addressed?

How is gender disaggregated in monitoring and evaluation?

Male: Female representation on governing board

Product Development and Access






 FIND diagnostics


 International Vaccine Institute


 Medicines for Malaria Venture


 TB Alliance


Addressing drivers of ill-health and injury



Gender policy recognising impact of gender inequality on nutrition and importance of women’s empowerment to improve nutrition


 Global Health Innovative Technology Fund


 Global Road Safety Partnership


 Scaling Up Nutrition

Revise national plans to include issues of women empowerment and nutrition; implement existing principles at sectoral level and track equity and gender sensitive indicators; M&E plans and programs inclusive of women and marginalised groups regularly; build capacity for all participating actors to be more gender-sensitive

Women and girls = deprived groups with financial, social, structure and cultural barriers to services, without right to attain their full potential

Country level report gender balance in management boards; constitutional provisions that specifically promote women’s participation in decision making; gender-responsive policy frameworks (including legislation, policies and budgets) in planning documents; Parliaments that introduced legislative measures to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment


 The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves

To increase role of women and address gender issues to scale adoption by (1) building evidence and sharing data; (2) building capacity of enterprises; (3) increasing access to finance; (4) raising awareness; (5) setting and influencing policies

Women and girls who breathe in harmful smoke while cooking and spend hours walking far distances to secure cooking fuel

7:4 (leadership council)

4:2 (advisory council)

 The Global Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing


 The Micronutrient Initiative (now called Nutrition International)

Women’s and newborn survival and health

Additional pregnant women reached with iron and folic acid; additional people vitamin A and fortified salt


Strengthening systems


 Roll Back Malaria

Multisectoral Action Framework mentions gender as a determinant that impacts malaria


 The Global Fund

Action Plan 2014–2016: Gender responsive programming to encourage positive bias in funding programs and activities that address gender inequalities and strengthen response for women and girls; *separate strategy in relation to sexual orientation and gender identities

Women and men, and particularly marginalised and vulnerable “key populations” such as people who use drugs, transgender people, bisexual and lesbian populations, adolescent girls, prisoners, migrants, men who have sex with men, sex workers

Will require countries to collect sex-disaggregated data and gender-sensitive information about population and ensure data available for regular analysis of gender equality approaches in health care services


 The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health

Gender transformative programming; engaging men as partners in reproductive health; men as agents of change

MDG 3. Promote gender equality and empower women


Strengthening systems



Gender policy to scale up gender mainstreaming and promote gender equality by (1) applying gender perspective to all its work; (2) complementing partners’ efforts to promote gender equality in health; (3) promoting country ownership and alignment with regard to gender issues; (4) exercising strong leadership and demonstrating political will; Board Gender Balance (including Members and Alternate) = not more than 60% of either gender represented

Gender used to describe those characteristics of women and men which are socially constructed

Review existing sex-disaggregated data and deciding how to access and analysis, how and if can use to inform decision-making, and what additional data needed to inform appropriate vaccination strategies


 Stop TB Partnership

In collaboration with UNAIDS and partners; tool to assist countries with assessing their HIV and TB epidemics and responses from a gender perspective, to ensure responses are gender-senstive with gender transformative priorities and actions

Women and girls, men and boys, and more specifically, key vulnerable populations such as sex workers, transgender people, and women and young women who use drugs

Using analysis matrix of: (1) epidemiological data; (2) social-cultural, economic and political context; (3) current HIV/TB policy response; (4) current HIV/TB programming response; idenitfy potential mismatches, gaps and opportunities and indicate how to build on existing interventions in country


  1. X = not present