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Table 3 Effect of health shocks on household non-medical consumption in low and middle income countries

From: Economic impacts of health shocks on households in low and middle income countries: a review of the literature



Data source

Statistical model

Measure of health shocks

Non-medical consumption

Food consumption

Non-food consumption

Dercon & Krishnan, 2000 [63]


Ethiopian Rural Household Survey 3 panels (1994–1995)

Generalized method of moments

Females among poor Southern households are too weak to work in last 28 days

(-)1.70-2.30%*** body mass index (BMI) per month



Gertler & Gruber, 2002 [47]


Indonesian Resource Mobilization Study panel (1991, 1993)

Ordinary Least Square (OLS), Instrumental Variable (IV)

Change in index of limitations in household’s head ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs). Index based on a formula using self-reported ability to perform basic and intermediate activities of daily living

(-)19.50% per capita



Asfaw & Braun, 2004 [64]


Ethiopian Rural Household survey panel (1994, 1995)

Two-stage least square

Self-reported illness of household head within 4 weeks before the survey


(-)1.80% last week

(-)33.59%*** last 4 months

Dercon et al. 2005 [65]


Ethiopia Rural Household Survey panel (1999, 2004)

Panel regression

Death of head, spouse or another person; Illness of head, spouse or another person

(+)2.10% per capita



(-)8.90%* per capita

Wagstaff, 2005 [51]


Vietnam Living Standard Survey panel (1993, 1998)

Fixed effect regression

Negative changes in the log of average BMI among household members aged 18 plus between 19993 and 1998


(-)17.30%* per capita

(-)16.90% per capita

De Weerdt & Dercon, 2006 [66]


Nyakatoke Household Survey 5 panels (February-December, 2000)


Medical expenditure and reduced labour supply due to due to illness

(-)7.30%* per adult

(-)4.80% per adult

(-)7.80% per adult

Beegle et al. 2008 [67]


Kagera Health and Development Survey panels (1991–2004)

Fixed effect regression, IV

Prime-aged (20–55 years) deaths due to AIDS (during 2000–2004)

(-)29.80%** annual per capita



Galiano & Vera-Hernández, 2008 [68]


Familias en Acci on household panel (2002, 2003, 2006)

Fixed effect regression

Any illness of adult male (aged 18–65 years) that does not let him perform ADLs in last 15 days

(+)US$9.65*** monthly

(+)US$4.46 * monthly

(+)US$3.87** monthly

Gertler et al. 2009 [69]


Indonesian Family Life Survey panel (1993, 1997)

Panel regression

Limitations in husband’s ADLs; Limitations in wife’s ADLs. Index based on a formula using self-reported ability to perform basic and intermediate activities of daily living.

(-)21.90% monthly per capita



(-)17.20%% monthly per capita

Khan, 2010 [37]

Bangladesh (Dinajpur)

SHAHAR household survey 3 panels (2002–2003)

Fixed effect regression

Death of any household member in past two years


(-)15.30%* log per capita in last 3 days

(+)45.50%** log per capita in last month

Linnemayr, 2010 [70]

South Africa

Household survey 6 panels (2001–2003)


HIV non-affected household screened in last month; HIV affected households screened in last month

(+)27.70%*** monthly total

(+)25%***monthly total

(+)26.20%*** monthly total

(+)2% monthly total

(+)2.20% monthly total

(+)2.20% monthly total

Wagstaff & Lindelow, 2010 [36]


Multi-shock cross-section survey (2008)


Death of any household member in last 12 months in the richest quintile

(-)67.90%*** annual per capita

(-)18.80% annual per capita

(-)107.20%*** annual per capita

Alem & Söderbom, 2012 [71]


Household survey (2008–2009)

Probit regression

Self-reported illness of a family member; Death of a family member

(+)0.60% per adult equivalent

(-)2.70% per adult equivalent


(-)11.10% per adult equivalent

(-)13.50% per adult equivalent

Islam & Maitra, 2012 [72]


Panel household survey (1998, 2000, 2005)

Fixed effect regression

Big expenditure/income loss due to illness; death of main family earner


(+)0.02/100 Taka monthly

(+)1.05 per 1000 Taka yearly

(+)0.31/100 Taka monthly

(+)1.64 per 1000 Taka yearly

Powell-Jackson & Hoque, 2012 [73]


Household survey 2 panels (2007–2008)


Severe maternal complications (dystocia, haemorrhage, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, septic shock or septicaemia, severe anaemia)

(-)5.30% monthly per capita

(-)7.50% monthly per capita


Genoni, 2012 [74]


Indonesian Family Life Survey 2 panels (1997, 2000)

Fixed effect regression, IV

Deterioration in ability to walk 5 km; Deterioration in Intermediate ADLs (carrying a heavy load for 20 meters, walking for 5 kilometers, bowing or kneeling, sweeping the floor or yard, and drawing a pail of water from a well)

(+)1.60% monthly per capita

(-)4.20% monthly per capita


(+)1.20% monthly per capita

(-)3.60% monthly per capita

  1. Statistical significance at the level of 1%***, 5%** and 10%*; …….results not available.