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Table 1 SDG achievement in 2019 prior to Pandemic

From: Multi-dimensional impacts of Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on Sustainable Development Goal achievement

SDG1: The world is on track to end poverty by 2030; however, 55% of world’s population have no access to social protection; 736 million people lived in extreme poverty in 2015 in which more than a half living in sub-Saharan Africa.

SDG2: Two thirds of extremely poor employed workers worldwide are agricultural workers; 821 million were undernourished in 2017 up from 784 million in 2015; Two thirds of undernourished people worldwide live in two regions: sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

SDG3: Under five mortality drops from 9.8 million in 2000 to 5.4 million in 2017; tuberculosis incidence rate declined by 21% between 2000 and 2017; vaccinations resulted in an 80% drop in measles deaths between 2000 and 2017

SDG4: 617 million children and adolescents lack minimum proficiency in reading and mathematics while 750 million adults still remain illiterate; two thirds of them are women.

SDG5: 18% of ever-partnered women and girls aged 15 to 49 years have experienced physical and/or sexual partner violence in the previous 12 months though In Southern Asia, a girl’s risk of marrying in childhood has decreased by 40% since 2000.

SDG6: In 2017, 785 million people remain without even basic drinking water service; and 2 out of 5 people worldwide do not have a basic handwashing facility with soap and water at home (2017).

SDG7: 9 out of 10 people worldwide have access to electricity for which 87% of 840 million people without electricity live in rural areas.

SDG8: Real Gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 4.8% annually in Least Developed Countries (LDC) (2010–2017), less than the 7% SDG target; median hourly pay of men is 12% higher than that of women.

SDG9: Industrialization in LDCs is too slow to meet the 2030 Agenda target; Manufacturing value added per capita in LDC (US$ 114) is far lower than in Europe and northern America (US$ 4,938)

SDG10: In many countries, an increasing share of income goes to the top 1% while the bottom 40% receive less than 25% of overall income

SDG11: 1 out of 4 urban residents live in slum-like conditions; 2 billion people do not have access to waste collection services;

SDG12: The global material footprint is rapidly growing, outpacing population and economic growth; material footprint per capita in high-income countries is 60% higher than in upper-middle income countries and more than 13 times the level in low- income countries.

SDG13: The global mean temperature in 2018 is approximately 1°C above the pre-industrial baseline. Atmosphere CO2 concentration is 146% of pre-industrial levels.

SDG14: Ocean acidity has increased by 26% since pre-industrial times. The proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels declined from 90% (1974) to 67% (2015).

SDG15: The risk of species extinction has worsened by almost10% over the last 25 years.

SDG16: Men make up around 80% of homicide victims overall but women constitute 64% of homicide victims of intimate partner/ family-related homicide

SDG17: Net Official Development Assistance totalled $149 billion in 2018, down by 2.7% from 2017; Over 80% of people in developed countries are online compared to 45% in developing countries and only 20% in least developed countries.

  1. Source: Sustainable Development Goals Report 2019 [2]