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Table 5 Kenya Results: Program governance

From: Governing industry involvement in the non-communicable disease response in Kenya

Partnership principles

Governance elements

Assessment questions

Assessment of the situation in Kenya

Program governance



Do formal policies or legislation exist that regulate program governance?

• No rules exist addressing either internal accountability structures for industry-led programs or in how and how often they must report progress to the government.

• Only programs that use health service delivery strategies, such as screening, diagnosing or treating patients, are bound by local regulation to report on basic output indicators to the Kenyan health information system.

If not, do clearly stated informal norms exist of what government expects from companies in this regard?

• Weak norms exist. The public sector does not push strongly for M&E frameworks for programs and puts little priority on their development.

• The only clear expectation is respect of government ownership, as shown by informing and inviting government representatives to events that relate to public sector responsibilities.

In how far are these rules or norms backed up with sanctions to enforce compliance?

• There are informal sanctions in place.

Managing by results

Results framework

Does the government provide a unified results framework that companies can build on?

• The existing country-wide health information system is not sufficient to guide the design of M&E frameworks.

• Access Observatory (AO) has a repository of logic models and indicators for companies as a private alternative.


Reporting structures

Does the government provide a public reporting framework where results can be shared transparently?

• No official platform exists for Kenya.

• AO allows companies to transparently report progress of their programs but it is not widely known or used in Kenya.

Government oversight

Does government join governance structures of corporate programs?

• If invited, government representatives attend progress review meetings or sit on governance boards of programs.

• However, government participation may be limited by staff capacities.

Review meetings

Does government host regular review meetings where companies can report on progress?

• A few platforms exist for stakeholder exchanges. Some county-level governments organize regular stakeholder meetings.

• The frequency and quality of county-level meetings vary.

• Companies are rarely actively involved in such meetings. More often, companies are represented by their implementing partners.

• Nationally, NCD-specific learning and exchange forums have taken place twice, through AA in cooperation with the MoH, but no permanent structure exists.