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Table 4 Overview of multilateral donors’ policy statements about NCDs and NCD funding in 2019

From: An analysis of policy and funding priorities of global actors regarding noncommunicable disease in low- and middle-income countries

Key multilateral donor

Key policy document

Funder policy statement about NCDs

NCD funding

Framing of NCDs

Contribution to DAH on NCDs in 2019

Internal allocation to NCD action in health funding portfolio in 2019

World Bank

Healthy Development: The WB strategy for Health, Nutrition, and Population Results (2007)

Policy has a statement about NCDs

11% (80 million)

3.1% (80 million of 2.6 billion)

NCDs are recognised as a major barrier to economic development and poverty reduction. The World Bank aims to invest in UHC and Health System strengthening to address NCDs.

Asian Development Bank

Strategy 2030: Achieving a Prosperous, Inclusive, Resilient, and Sustainable Asia and the Pacific

Policy has a statement about NCDs

NCDs are considered as a factor impeding economic development and poverty reduction. The ADB also aims to invest in UHC and Health System strengthening to address NCDs.

African Development Bank

At the Center of Africa’s Transformation

Strategy for 2013–2022

Policy does not have any statements about NCDs

Inter-American Development Bank

Health and Nutrition Sector Framework Document: Social Protection and Health Division 2016

Policy has a statement about NCDs

NCDs are presented as an obstacle for economic development and poverty reduction. The Bank aims to tackle NCDs by raising awareness about healthy lifestyles, promoting access to high quality health services and nutrition, and promoting financial protection and efficient leadership and governance in the health section.


WHO Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases, Global NCD action Plan 2013–2020, Mental Health Action Plan 2013–2020

Policy has a statement about NCDs

6.7% (49 million)

3.5% (49 million of 1.4 billion)

WHO policy documents provide member states and international partners with a road map and menu of policy options to implement.


UNDP HIV Health and Development Strategy 2016–2021

Policy has a statement about NCDs

NCDs are considered an impediment to development and poverty reduction. Priority 2.2 under Action Area 2 aims to strengthen governance to address NCDs and accelerate tobacco control.


UNICEF strategy for health 2016–2030

Programme Guidance for Early Life Intervention of NCDs

Policy has a statement about NCDs

NCDs are regarded as an impediment to children’s rights to health. NCDs are aimed to be integrated into policy actions on maternal, newborn, older child, and adolescent health, particularly in terms of nutrition and mental health. UNICEF also aims to strengthen health systems and promote integrated, multisectoral policies and programmes.


UNFPA strategic plan, 2018–2021

Policy does not have any statements about NCDs


An introduction to the European Union’s International Cooperation and Development policy (2018)

Policy does not have any statements about NCDs

No data

No data

  1. Funds for “Other Sources” in the health funding database were used in the table as funds invested by Banks and UN agencies.