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Table 1 GDAR Network Work Packages

From: The global diet and activity research (GDAR) network: a global public health partnership to address upstream NCD risk factors in urban low and middle-income contexts

Work Packages (WP)


WP1a: Evidence synthesis

WP1a: Systematic reviews on a) factors associated with (active) travel behaviour; and b) the use of social and community networks for physical activity in Africa and the Caribbean

WP1b: Assessing data availability

WP1b: Assessing availability of data on transport behaviours and road traffic injury patterns to inform development of models of the health impact of transport policies in Africa

WP2: Adolescent levers

Adolescent levers for diet and physical activity intervention across socio-ecological levels in 4 low and middle-income countries

WP3: Policy analysis

A multi-level (global, regional, national, sub-national) intersectoral policy space and content analysis of policies that influence food and activity built environments: Implications for low and middle-income countries in Africa and the Caribbean

WP4: Natural experimental studies

WP4a: Impact of a new hypermarket on food purchasing and dietary behaviours in Kisumu, Kenya

WP4b: Evaluating implementation of a voluntary pledge to remove advertisement of sugar-sweetened beverages around schools in Johannesburg, South Africa