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Table 9 Good practices for donors facing transition

From: How donors support civil society as government accountability advocates: a review of strategies and implications for transition of donor funding in global health

Transition timing


Impending transition

➢ Strengthen key organizations and individuals who can carry advocacy forward following transition, and who present the potential to serve as country-level and future capacity building resources for smaller organizations.

➢ Support networks with robust existing capacity to mobilize advocacy, or encourage the unification of CSOs, while ensuring community needs are represented.

➢ Channel funding through intermediaries to create broad advocacy support and pressure over governments.

➢ Create meaningful participatory mechanisms to bring together civil society and government to agree to rules of engagement and codify participation.

➢ Provide time-bound, flexible bridge grants, with catalytic funding available to support targeted advocacy.

Longer-term engagement

➢ Diversify funding modalities to support a mix of organizations, potentially through donor coordination mechanisms and intermediaries.

➢ Support longer-term capacity building across different levels of the system – individual, organizational, and systemic - and define in tandem with CSOs what support is needed.

➢ Support social accountability efforts that engage members of affected populations to generate public engagement and demand and hold their government to account.

Changing donors’ approach at any point of engagement

➢ Provide more flexible funding, reporting and evaluation with core support, looser grant application and reporting requirements, and improved monitoring and evaluation to better measure advocacy.

➢ Build an exit strategy and consider sustainability from the start in partnership with CSOs

➢ Support rights-based activities, particularly organizations and activities that include or are led by members of affected populations, and focus on embracing the diversity of vulnerable populations.

➢ Address enabling environments by recognizing the historical and political context in which civil society sits, and adjust donor involvement accordingly.

➢ Strengthen access to data and information via knowledge sharing hubs and online tool repositories.

➢ Consider non-traditional modes of engagement like informal initiatives and mobilization via social media.