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Table 3 Themes and Sub-themes of Content Analysis

From: Challenges and Opportunities in China’s Health Aid to Africa: Findings from Qualitative Interviews in Tanzania and Malawi





strained working relationships

barriers to aid,

attitudes of Chinese workers, language barrier, culture,

training, politics


language barriers

language barrier


varying social norms and mores

culture, value


patronization of African HCW

attitudes of Chinese workers, aid person, burnout

Cultural Perspectives and Historical Context

lack of cultural relativity

culture, value, attitudes of Chinese health workers


power dynamics

awareness, colonial history, corporate, politics


lack of historical context

barriers to aid, future, colonial history, politics


absence of trust

barriers to aid,

attitudes of Chinese workers, trust, not observed, impact

Divergence between Political and Business Agendas

opportunities for private investment

corporate, politics, value


moral hazard and adverse selection

politics, impact, trust,

economic development,

corporate, value


unequal distribution of political capital (i.e. reference how Africans feel obliged to accept donations)

colonial history, politics, economic development, corporate, impact, value


concealed motivation

impact, attitudes of Chinese workers, future


influence of multilateral organizations

politics, lack of external collaboration, colonial history, trust, value

Organization of Aid Implementation

countries’ policies and procedures misaligned

barriers to aid, procedures, coordination failure,

capacity failure


substandard or expired donations

idle resources, material resources, not observed, substandard, logistical failure, barriers to aid, lack of regulation


country needs not met

in-country needs,

material resources, infrastructure, training, recommendations, economic development


inadequate training

training, sustainability,

material resources, aid person, barriers, politics, country needs

Management and Leadership

poor country and donor collaboration

logistical failure, barriers to aid, lack of external collaboration


inadequate consultation

barriers to aid, consultation


lack of central authority

barriers to aid, capacity failure, logistical failure,

sufficient internal communication


wasted, lost, or destroyed resources

idle resources, language barriers, training, material resources, inadequate consultation, sufficient internal communication, lack of external collaboration,

not observed


lack of M&E protocol

evaluation, sustainability


aid worker burnout

sustainability, evaluation, burnout,

attitudes of Chinese health workers