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Table 4 Description of monitoring and evaluation tools for event-based surveillance in Vietnam

From: Developing monitoring and evaluation tools for event-based surveillance: experience from Vietnam




Data collection methods


Supervisory checklist

1. EBS staffing

2. Training in EBS

3. Availability of materials and equipment

4. Monitoring visits

5. Revision of records/forms (e.g., logbooks, verification forms)

• Monitoring visits at each level

• Interviews with EBS focal points in each province, district, and community health station

• Document review


Desk review tool

1. Training in EBS

2. System coverage

3. Materials

4. Monthly summary reports

5. Review of proper use of log books

6. Monthly allowance and incentives for implementers

• Provincial EBS focal points completed the tool prior to evaluation site visits

• Evaluation visits at province level

• Interviews with EBS focal points at province level

• Document review

Key informant interview guidea

1. Fidelity of EBS implementation

2. Timeliness

3. Perceived value and acceptance of EBS

4. Costs

5. Lessons for future roll-ou

• Evaluation visits to provinces and select districts, hospitals, and community health stations

• Interviews with EBS focal points at all levels

Focus group discussion guideb

1. Fidelity to EBS guidelines implementation

2. Timeliness

3. Costs

4. Perceived value and acceptance of EBS

5. Reporting to the electronic surveillance system

6. Lessons for future roll-out

• Evaluation visits to provinces and select districts, hospitals and community health stations

• Focus group discussions conducted with EBS focal points in select districts

• Focus group discussions conducted with village health workers and key informants in select communitie

Timeliness form

1. Type of event

2. Date and time of signal onset

3. Date and time when signal were registered in the commune health station logbook

4. Date and time when event were registered at the district level

5. Date and time when a response for the event was initiated

6. Response activities implemented

• Timeliness form was sent via email to all districts in provinces; EBS focal points in each district completed the form

Online acceptability survey

1. Demographic profile of respondents

2. Personal beliefs, values, and attitudes toward EBS

3. Possible barriers to participation in EBS

4. Active informants in the community [for commune health stations]

5. Facilitating factors to implement EBS

6. Government support

• Electronic survey was available for online entry data

• EBS focal points at all levels and village health workers in all participating communities were invited to complete the survey

  1. aThere was a shortened version for EBS focal points at health facilities that included fidelity to EBS implementation, perceived value of EBS/acceptability, and questions about lessons learned that were applicable to future roll-out
  2. bKey informant in the community version included current knowledge of EBS, reporting, and perceived value of EBS/acceptability