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Table 2 Possibilities for further innovation

From: Scaling up ART adherence clubs in the public sector health system in the Western Cape, South Africa: a study of the institutionalisation of a pilot innovation

Existing innovation that have developed in the club model


Transferability to other chronic diseases

Anticipated new challenges

Potential future innovation

Services Delivery

Specialized clubs

Address special needs of patients (eg, families and adolescents)

Yes, transferable in some cases (eg. diabetes)

Other needs that could be addressed with separate clubs

Clubs for migrants, older people, sex workers etc.

Quick-Pick-UP (QPUP)

Lengthy times at facilities and desire for even greater convenience and collection flexibility

Yes, transferable

Other pharmacy pick up models

Private pharmacies, dispensing machines, home delivery options, use of unique patient identifiers

Community clubs

Improve community involvement, reduce stigma

Yes, transferable


Decentralised community medication distribution

Recruitment champion

Number of club members plateauing and reluctance to recruit

Yes, transferable

Club numbers vary across facilities

Roving club recruiter/mentors

Health workforce

Task shifting of clinical care to HIV counsellors / CHWs extended to include moves for low-level pharmacy assistants

Initial task-shifting to CHWs because clinicians overburdened with stable patients; now need to ensure legal dispensing of medication and to relieve pharmacy staff.

Yes, transferable

Constant updates on clinical care issues needed

Creative training / mentoring of HIV counsellors / CHWs and of staff dispensing medication

Medical Products

The ‘jump’ (the seasonal shift to a 4 month drug dispensing cycle over Christmas)

Seasonal migration of patients

Yes, transferable

Client push for 4 monthly visits/refills to become the norm

Annual script

Electronic scripting for processing the volume of scripts for CDU

Time taken with manual scripting

Yes, transferable

Harmonising of the electronic scripting with the official Western Cape systems; Capacity and resources for a paperless system

Electronic transfers of scripts from pharmacies to CDU and integration of CDU system with pharmacy stocktaking systems

  1. This table describes (1) existing innovations that have developed around the core club concept, (2) the purpose for which they were developed, (3) transferability to care for other chronic dieases, (4) anticipated new challenges that could emerge, and (5) likely future possibilities for further innovations