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Table 1 Construct validity for the measurement instrument

From: Sub-national assessment of aid effectiveness: A case study of post-conflict districts in Uganda

AE Domain and definition

District level concerns

Questions developed to assess the domain at sub-national level


• Developing countries set their own strategies for poverty reduction, improve their institutions and tackle corruption

• Donor countries align behind these objectives and use local systems.

Respectful relationship that addressing local needs.

Burden of diverse reporting requirements and delays in resource disbursements;

1. To what extent did resources received from XX address the main priorities of your organization? (PRIOR6)

2. To what extent was the organization able to negotiate with XX about the priority needs of your organization? (NEED6)


Donor countries coordinate, simplify procedures and share information to avoid duplication.

Competition and duplication of activities; limited coverage, by-passing LGs in implementation

3. To what extent did XX organization use pre-existing admin procedures (e.g. reporting tools, bank accounts etc.) of your organization? (ADPROC6)

4. To what extent did XX coordinate with other organizations to support your organization? (COORD6)

Managing results

Developing countries and donors shift focus to development results and results get measured.

Realistic targets and performance feedback

5. To what extent was your organization aware about the results expected by XX from your organization? (RESLTS6)

6. To what extent did XX provide feedback about the performance of your organization? (FEEDBK6)

Mutual accountability

Donors and partners are accountable for development results.

Changing performance expectations;

Delays in resource flow and disbursements

7. To what extent was the resources from XX come within the expected time last year? (EXPTIM6)

8. To what extent were the resources from XX based on a written agreement /contract/MOU with XX? (MOU6)

9. To what extent did your organization submit timely reports of activities to XX last year? (REPRTS6)

Overall evaluation

Satisfaction with aid relationships

Satisfaction with dyadic aid relationships

10. Overall, to what extent are you satisfied about your relationship with XX organization? (RELATN6)