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Fig. 4 | Globalization and Health

Fig. 4

From: Uptake of the human papillomavirus vaccine in Kenya: testing the health belief model through pathway modeling on cohort data

Fig. 4

Health Belief Model to predict HPV vaccine uptake including personal characteristics and mediated by willingness [CHISQ (85), p = 0.0001, RMSEA = 0.052; CFI = 0.920; TLI = 0.84; WRMR = 0.910]. Health Belief Model to predict HPV vaccine uptake including personal characteristics and fully mediated by willingness to vaccinate (Model 4). Numbers represent the significant (p < .05) standardized parameters (β). Thin lines without numbers represent non-significant parameters in the model. R 2 represents the explained variance of the dependent variable. (N = 255)

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