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Table 2 Examples of the distinction between proximal and distal obstacles to patient safety identified by staff

From: Why is patient safety so hard in low-income countries? A qualitative study of healthcare workers’ views in two African hospitals

Proximal obstacles

Distal factors

Shortage of skilled nursing staff (e.g. in operating theatres)

-Human resource shortages nationally

-Few opportunities for specialist training or updating of skills

-Human resource management policies

-High turnover of staff, associated with staff dissatisfaction

Shortage of material resources (e.g. sterile drapes)

-Non-functional equipment due to lack of trained maintenance staff (e.g. broken autoclaves)

-Infrastructure failures (lack of electricity to power autoclave or water supply to ensure reliable supply of sterilised equipment)

-Lack of access to and/or budget for materials and parts (nationally and/or locally)

Lack of access to necessary drugs (e.g. antibiotics)

-Patient poverty

-Lack of access to or budget for desired drugs at national level

-Problems with storage and accessibility of drugs -Delays and other problems with procurement processes