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Table 6 Costing items and estimates per person in studies reporting on direct cost of diabetes for individuals and households INR (USD current value)

From: The economic burden of diabetes in India: a review of the literature












Cost per consultation 116.85 (2.51)



Costs per year 3,324.45 (76.60)

Costs per year 1803.35 (41.55)

Costs per year 322.75 (7.44)


Costs per year 875.85 (20.18)2



Costs without complications 800 (8.20), with complications 1,960 (40.20)3


Costs without complications 300(6.15), with complications 830 (17.02)3

Hospital charges without complications 1,083 (22.21), with complications 5,256.4 (107.80)3

Costs without complications 350 (7.18), with complications 1,085 (22.25)3



Median costs at 3,250 (74.88)6

Median costs at 1,000 (23.04)6


Median costs at 8,000 (184.33)6

Median costs at 800 (18.43)6

Median costs 13,750 (316.82)6




Costs per hospitalisation 5,925 (136.5)



Annual costs, 18,623.94 (472.57)


Annual costs, 452.13 (11.47)




Annual monitoring and lab costs 822.6 (21.04)


Annual costs 8,678.6 (221.96)




Cost per consultation 363(8.36)



Costs during 6 months 3,000 (76.7)7

Costs during 6 months 1,435 (36.70)7


Costs during 6 months 225 (5.75)7

Costs during 6 months 3,650 (93.4)7

Costs during 6 months 1,900 (48.59)7



Annual costs Inpatient 6,840 (145.5), Outpatient 6,150 (130.8)

Annual costs Inpatient 630 (13.4), Outpatient 400 (8.4)


Annual costs 5,000 (106.3)

Annual GP and specialist costs Inpatient 550 (11.5), Outpatient 420 (8.8)



Annual costs, private hospital 3,000 (70.6), public 735 (17.3)

Annual costs, private hospital 360 (8.5), public hospital 240 (5.6)


Annual costs, private hospital 240 (5.6), public hospital 192 (4.5)

Annual costs private hospital 5,000 (117.7), public hospital 0.0

Annual GP and specialist costs, private hospital 600 (14.12), public hospital 670 (15.7)

Annual costs private hospital 9,000 (211.8)



Annual costs Hospital 1,500 (30.76)

Annual costs, hospital 2,250 (46.14), ambulatory 1,050 (21.53)


Annual costs, hospital 600 (12.30), ambulatory 202 (4.14)


Annual costs, hospital 550 (10.37), ambulatory 320 (6.56)


Annual costs, hospital 600 (12.30), ambulatory 190 (3.89)


Average cost per hospitalisation, without comorb. 184 (4.17), without comorb. 2,098 (47.56), outpatient without comorb. 456 (10.34), with comorb. 488 (11.06)

Average cost per hospitalisation, without comorb 903 (20.47), with comorb 968 (21.94), outpatient without comorb. 373 (8.46), with comorb. 405 (9.18)


Cost per hospital admission, without comorb. 18650 (422.80), with comorb. 2,1000 (476.08)



Transplantation 40,400(869); dialysis 7250 (156); CKD 1,500 (156); No complications 800 (17)

Transplantation 64,925 (1.396); dialysis 2800 (60); CKD 3,625 (78); No complications 1,214 (26)


Transplantation 3,250 (70); dialysis 3480 (75); CKD 625(13); No complications 300(6)

Transplantation 21,5000(4,624); dialysis 22,000 (473); CKD 4,010(86);No complications 1,082(23)

Transplantation 67,000 (1,441); dialysis 32,200 (692); CKD 1,000 (121); No complications 350 (8)

Total cost for Transplantation 392,920 (8,450)



Average per patients: Without complications 380 (7) with complications 3,769 (69)

Average per patient 1,598 (29.45)


Average cost per patient 7,800 (143.75)

Average cost per patient 2,191 (40.37)



Costs during 6 months 3,076.28 (67.46)

Costs during 6 months 277.80 (6.09)


Costs during 6 months 458.96 (10.04)


Costs during 6 months 72.66 (1.59)



Annual costs 2,435 (57.31)











  1. 1Total number of studies addressing the costing item.
  2. 2Values are averages between male and female.
  3. 3Values for patients with complications are average of 5 groups: renal, cardiovascular, foot, retinal, two complications.
  4. 4Values are average of treatment arms: human insulin and blood, glucose monitoring, bovine insulin and blood glucose monitoring, bovine insulin and urine glucose monitoring.
  5. 5Values are average of treatment groups: teleophthalmology (screening), hospital (dilated retinal examination), hospital (laser photocoagulation). We assume costs are yearly estimates.
  6. 6Values are average of urban and rural population.
  7. 7Values are average of outpatients and hospital patients with foot problems.