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Table 2 Potential use of reverse innovation in accreditation systems

From: Hospital accreditation: lessons from low- and middle-income countries


Countries where used


Focus on entire system, not just best facilities.

Thailand, Malaysia, India, Kenya, Ghana

Any setting with variable quality

Indicator use very focused, requirements of accrediting body, insurer and government fully harmonized

Malaysia, India

Could benefit state innovation projects in US

Accreditation used as a “brand” for ambulatory facilities; linked to community education

KMET in Kenya

Any setting where improvement in the ambulatory setting is desirable

“Graded” accreditation used to ensure that facilities which do not fully pass are supported in improving.

India; reported from other countries such as Brazil

Any country where not all facilities are accredited

Surveys used to identify facility need; resources such as loans provided where appropriate

Kenya, Ghana (Pharmaccess)

Any country where capital resources are constrained

Surveys used as teaching opportunity

Thailand, Malaysia

All accreditation settings