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Table 4 Field-test participants’ suggested inclusions and modifications for the Thinking Healthy Program-Vietnamese adaptation (THP-V)

From: Translation, cultural adaptation and field-testing of the Thinking Healthy Program for Vietnam

Proposed inclusions

Session 1

Worries about personal health, relationships with family members, difficult socio-economic conditions, lack of confidence in personal abilities, and perceptions of a bleak future.

Session 2

Difficult socio-economic conditions, poor health, and relationships with family members.

Session 3

Difficult socio-economic conditions, unexpected pregnancy leaving the woman no choice but to accept her baby, and feelings of not wanting the baby or anticipated dislike of the baby.

Session 4

Difficult socio-economic conditions, looking after the baby increasing the mother’s work-load, pressures by people around the woman to diet, and lacking confidence or feeling inferior due to insufficient knowledge about pregnancy and taking care of a baby.

All examples and pictures in Sessions 3 and 4 were endorsed as appropriate and relevant.

Proposed modifications

Session 1

All participants stated strongly that the picture depicting a woman climbing the three steps to thinking healthy should be re-sketched to indicate optimism and hopefulness through positive body language.

Session 2

One participant felt that the example ‘my fate is to be sick’ as unhealthy thinking was not relevant and should be removed.