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Table 2 Approaches to decrease hesitancy and enhance vaccine uptake

From: Vaccine hesitancy and equity: lessons learned from the past and how they affect the COVID-19 countermeasure in Indonesia

Type of Strategy


Vaccine availability and equitability

Expanding the distribution of vaccines, particularly in hard-to-reach regions, to guarantee equitable rights and accessibility for all citizens.

Support from the military (if necessary)

Engaging the national military in vaccination efforts to promote vaccination uptake and enhance security during the vaccination process in regions currently experiencing conflict.

Public health campaign

Raising public consciousness regarding the significance of vaccination and its long-term beneficial outcomes. Engaging community leaders, including those from religious and community organizations, in public health campaigns is a potential strategy to foster confidence and promote vaccine uptake within the community.

Addressing negative stereotypes

Conducting extensive counseling sessions to disseminate accurate information about vaccines, potential side effects, and appropriate actions to take in the event of experiencing side effects.

Counseling from healthcare workers

While the internet is the primary source of vaccine information for the general public, healthcare workers are regarded as the most reliable source. They can offer guidance to patients or guardians on vaccination and provide transparent details on potential side effects in order to foster public confidence in the use of vaccines.