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Table 3 Survey participant characteristics and age-specific and age-standardized smoking prevalences among adults aged 18 years or older by participant characteristics, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Jordan, 2007

From: A surveillance summary of smoking and review of tobacco control in Jordan


Survey Participant Characteristics

n = 3654

% (SE)

Prevalence of Lifetime Smoking

n = 1409

% (SE)

Prevalence of Current Smoking

n = 1080

% (SE)

Age, yrs



14.9 (0.64)

25.0 (1.96)

23.4 (1.95)


19.6 (0.76)

41.0 (2.13)

37.2 (2.06)


26.7 (0.80)

40.7 (1.60)

32.9 (1.57)


15.4 (0.62)

38.6 (2.16)

28.5 (2.02)


12.7 (0.58)

39.6 (2.61)

23.6 (2.29)


10.8 (0.58)

40.3 (2.97)

19.4 (2.39)




53.1 (0.87)

61.8 (1.21)

48.2 (1.27)


46.9 (0.87)

7.8 (0.67)

5.1 (0.54)



   Never attended school

11.4 (0.58)

24.7 (4.98)

18.6 (4.83)

   Primary school

32.0 (0.87)

44.1 (1.74)

35.3 (1.90)

   Secondary or technical schoola

42.7 (0.87)

36.5 (1.56)

26.8 (1.47)

   University or more

13.9 (0.75)

44.7 (2.30)

29.8 (2.18)

  1. SE, standard error
  2. Note: Current smoker defined as having ever smoked >100 cigarettes in lifetime and currently smoke every day or some days; former smoker defined as having ever smoked >100 cigarettes in lifetime but not currently smoking
  3. * Prevalence of smoking is age-standardized