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Table 1 Recommendations for strengthening tuberculosis control strategies for miners and their communities

From: The production of consumption: addressing the impact of mineral mining on tuberculosis in southern Africa






Primary Care

-Mines provide tertiary care for accidents and injuries but weak primary care

-Monitor adherence to treatment guidelines among medical providers


-Evaluate and improve standards of living and safety on mines


-Evaluate and implement isoniazid preventive therapy

Continuity of Care

-Mineworkers cross borders but care does not

-Provide a standardized set of patient-held medical records, and coordinate key care locations across borders


-Doctors lack patient information needed to avoid breeding drug-resistant TB strains

-Key stakeholders, including mineworkers' representatives, should create a formal body to investigate and evaluate both within-country and cross-border TB management among migrants


-Contracts with loopholes

-Provide clear translation and communication of contract implications to workers, with union supervision


-Poor literacy

-Include health benefits and protections for contract employees


-Allow and encourage family housing and rights to permanent residence


-Enforce and produce new laws for occupational safety


-Former and informal barriers prevent mineworkers and their families from receiving compensation at all, or in a timely manner

-Avoid unnecessary restrictions and obstacles to qualify for compensation and receive it promptly


-Create bodies of oversight to examine compensation system